Some Great Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Your website plays a critical role in your customer acquisition efforts and the way it affects sales and revenue and as you analyze it, you might identify some problems that would make you consider a redesign. Depending on which reason is identified, determines if your website needs a structure update or a redesign and build.
We will discuss about these reasons below.

As we mentioned it a lot of times, having a consistent look and feel across your site is really important. For example, we have the case when the user clicks on a button that redirects them to another page. We don’t want them to feel like they were redirected to a whole another site, or even worse a malicious one because this will lead to one certain thing: user frustration.

Design inconsistencies are common, particularly on sites that have grown over the time by merging with other microsites. If this has happened to your website, then it might be the time to review and implement brand guidelines and styles, including color palettes, fonts, hierarchy, etc…

Your site is outdated and not reliable

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Approximately 75% of people will judge the credibility of the business you’re leading based on the design of your website.
Jakob Nielsen, in 1999, pointed out four ways in which a website can communicate trustworthiness:

  • Design quality
  • Up-front disclosure
  • Comprehensive and current content
  • Connection to the rest of the web

In a study made by Nielsen Normal Group, they came to conclusion that the very same factors that Jakob Nielsen identified in 1999 continue to influence users today.

When you first launched your website maybe you were targeting a certain demographic or user group, and, by releasing new products or services, you’re shifting your market strategy. Since each user group may have specific needs, you need to consider a website redesign in order to align your website with the expectations of your new user group. Some of the things that can include realigning expectations are:

  • The way your website is structured
  • The words used to describe services and products
  • The type of content they expect to find on your website
  • The functionality and design elements of your website

Your Website Does Not Meet Your Expectations

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This is a really good reason to start thinking about redesigning your website. So you have a very good looking website? Everything seems to run smoothly, bur you are getting any results. You ask yourself what can be the reason to happen so? If you are not managing to achieve your wanted results, sales or your goal in general, then something is not working well.

The first thing to do here is to analyze what is going wrong and what’s causing it? What can be that it’s not working that well with your visitors? You’d have to start by examining the conversion rate and visitor to lead rate. The behavior of customers on the website should be monitored in order to get a clear picture of where they stop and leave.

Stats show that 47% of your customers expect a website to lad in less than two seconds and 40% will leave the site if take more than 3 seconds to load. Therefore, is really important to have a website that is well developed and hosted on a fast service. If you website doesn’t meet these expectations, you should start changing things and fixing them. Nowadays users expect speedy responses and results.

A slow responding website will make you lose your audience and will leave a negative impact on SEO too. No matter how good looking and interactive your website is, if it’s slow, it will not do well.

Your Website Is Not Responsive

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Again, we rely on google stats that say that 61% of users are unlikely to return to a website that doesn’t work well on mobile. If your website is not responsive, then your chance to losing leads and customers is really high. There is a large number of people who use mobiles to browse the Internet and this number continues increasing what makes it necessary to have a mobile platform. A responsive website is one that is able to accommodate all users, no matter the platform they are using.

Your website isn’t SEO friendly

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You can have a very well-designed website but that doesn’t matter if no one sees it. In order to drive traffic to your website, you have to optimize it for search engines. One way to achieve this is blogging. Websites that feature a blog have a 434% greater chance to be ranked highly on search engines.

When making sales online, content is key. In order to rank your website as high as possible you need to have an intelligent content strategy.

While developing this strategy you need yo do keyword research to find out words and phrases that people use in search engine queries and then include them in titles, headers, meta descriptions etc.